
2022年6月29日—ThisroguelitetacticalRPGhassomeunsurprisingtwistssuchasKingArthurbeingdeadandMerlinbeingdrainedofpower.However,aworld ...,TheHandofMerlinisaturn-basedrogue-liteRPGinwhichArthurianlegendclasheswithcosmichorror.Recruitacompanyofuptothreemortalheroesandguide ...,TheHandofMerlinisaturn-basedrogue-liteRPGinwhichArthurianlegendclasheswithcosmichorror.Recruitacompanyofuptothreemortalher...

The Hand of Merlin Review

2022年6月29日 — This roguelite tactical RPG has some unsurprising twists such as King Arthur being dead and Merlin being drained of power. However, a world ...

The Hand of Merlin

The Hand of Merlin is a turn-based rogue-lite RPG in which Arthurian legend clashes with cosmic horror. Recruit a company of up to three mortal heroes and guide ...

The Hand of Merlin for Nintendo Switch

The Hand of Merlin is a turn-based rogue-lite RPG in which Arthurian legend clashes with cosmic horror. Recruit a company of up to three mortal heroes and ...